In the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the members of a PT boat squadron patrol Philippine waters and attack Japanese ships. The PT boat initially had little respect from senior Navy officers but their maneuverability and speed however quickly change their minds. As the Japanese advance across the Philippines, the PT boats become essential in evacuating the senior personnel including General Mac Arthur.
演员:乔治·克鲁尼 伊万·麦克格雷格 杰夫·布里吉斯 凯文·史派西 史蒂芬·朗 罗伯特·帕特里克 瓦利德·祖伊特 斯蒂芬·鲁特 格伦·莫肖尔 尼克·奥弗曼 蒂姆·格里芬 丽贝卡·麦德 雅各布·布朗 布拉德·格伦伯格 MattNewton 罗伯特·库蒂斯·布朗 赫拉奇·蒂蒂赞 ShafikN.Bahou 德鲁·塞尔策 Michael-DavidAragon 泰瑞·塞尔皮科 DiegoSerrano ReginaldHuc 阿荣·希弗 斯蒂夫·维亭 JaySpadaro 切克·伯恩哈特 乔治·W·布什 Steven